
Sun, wind, water, earth and life touch our living senses immediately, always, everywhere and without any intervention of reason. They simply are there in their unmatched variety, moving us, our moods, memories, imaginations, intentions and plans.


However, the designer transforming sun into light, air into space and water into life touches pure mathematics next to senses. Mathematicians pur sang destroy mathematics releasing it from senses, losing their unmatched beauty and relief, losing their sense for design. To restore that intimate relation, the most freeing part of our European cultural heritage my great examples are Feynman’s lectures on physics, D’Arcy Thompson’s ‘On Growth and Form’ and Minnaert’s ‘Natuurkunde van het vrije veld’ (‘Physics of outdoor space’). Minnaert elaborated the missing step from feeling to estimating.

I am sitting in the sun. How much energy do I receive, how much I send back into the universe?

I am walking in wind. How much pressure do I receive and how much power my muscles have to overcome? It is the same pressure giving form to the sand I walk on or giving form and movement to the birds above me! I am swimming in the oldest landscape of all ages, the sea. How can I survive?


No longer can I escape from reasoning, looking for a formula, a behaviour that works. But this reasoning is next to senses and once I found a formula I can leave the reasoning behind going back into senses and sense. The formula takes its own path in my Excel sheet as a living thing. It ‘behaves’. Look! Does it take the same path as the sun, predicting my shadow? Put a pencil and a ruler in the sun. Measure, compare, lose or win your competition with the real sun as Copernicus did.

Mathematics have no longer much to do with boring calculations. Nowadays computers do the work, we do the learning. They sharpen our reasoning and senses. We see larger contexts and smaller details then ever before discovering scale. Discovering telescopic and microscopic scale we find the multiple universe we live in, freeing us from boredom forever, producing images no human can invent. We do not believe our eyes and ears, we discover them. It challenges our imagination in strange worlds no holiday can equal. Life math is a survival journey with excitement and suspense.


But do we understand the sun? No, we design a sun (Kant) behaving like the sun we know from our position and scale of time and space we live in. We never know for sure whether it wil behave tomorrow in the same way as our sheet does. But we have made something that works here and now.

‘Yes! It works.’ That is designer’s joy.


Preliminary contents

1              MOTIVATION   6

2             SUN              7

2.1        Light             8

2.2             Temperature    21

2.3             Plantation P.M. 37

2.4        Energy             38

3             WIND              53

3.1        Global Atmosphere             54

3.2        National Choice Of Location             60

3.3             Regional Choice Of Location             69

3.4        Local Measures             75

3.5        District And Neighbourhood Variants             87

3.6             Allotment Of Hectares             96

3.7        Sound And Noise             102

4              WATER            111

4.1        Water Balance             113

4.2        River Drainage             118

4.3        Water Reservoirs             134

4.4        Polders             143

4.5             Networks And Crossings             155

5              EARTH (Dutch, not yet translated)              164

5.1        Span Of Study             166

5.2             Kilometres: Geomorfologische Landschappen             167

5.3        Meters             186

5.4             Millimeters         203

5.5             Micrometers    210

5.6             Bodemverontreiniging   Drs. R. Moens             213

5.7             Bouwrijpmaken             232

5.8        Kabels En Leidingen   Drs. R. Moens             255

5.9        Map Analysis   Drs. R. Moens             280

6             LIFE              284

6.1             Diversity, Scale And Dispersion             285

6.2             Ecologies         293

6.3             Legends By Scale             314

6.4        Natural History 332

6.5        Valuing Nature  348

6.6             Managing Nature             365

7              HUMAN LIVING 379

7.1             Adaptation And Accommodation             381

7.2        The History Of Dutch Habitat             408

7.3        Recent Figures (Dutch, not yet translated)             426

7.4        Form As State Of Dispersion (Dutch, not yet translated)             451

7.5             Densities (Dutch, not yet translated)             464

8              ENVIRONMENT (Dutch, not yet translated)              486

8.1             Definition           488

8.2             Milieuproblemen             490

8.3             Milieuhygiëne    493

8.4             Transmissie      500

8.5        Immisie En Blootstelling             504

8.6             Normering         508

8.7             Environmental Criteria For Evaluation             513

8.8             Milieuwinst En Milieuverlies Door Bouwen             520

8.9        Critical Remarks             533

9              PLANTING LEGENDS30M              537

9.1             Introduction       538

9.2        Planting And Habitat             554

9.3        Tree Planting And The Urban Space  563

9.4        Hedges             573

10              LEGENDS FOR DESIGN  577

10.1             Designed Variation             578

10.2             Composition Analysis             586

10.3             Legends For Design             595

10.4      The Scale Level At Which One Separates And Mixes   600

10.5             Boundaries Of Imagination             624




KEY WORDS                   659

QUESTIONS                   676